Tuesday, November 11, 2008

chapter 8 - post 1

Many of the etiquette rules listed in the chapter have annoyed me at one point or another. The rule that I see broken most often is the rule about privacy and cell phones. The other day I was target and I overheard someone talking on the cell phone very loudly about a friend sleeping with someone else. It not only made me feel uncomfortable, but also caused me to view the woman on the phone in a negative way. A few months ago I also encountered a cell phone issue. I was at a movie theater and was in the middle of watching a film when I heard a cell phone buzz. Even when phones are on vibrate, they still are distracting. If that wasn't bad enough, the woman decided that it was an intelligent idea to answer the phone and have a conversation during the movie. The entire theater turned around and looked at her like she was crazy, but she carried on like nothing was wrong.

Another rule that I see broken quite often is the answering machine rule. I hate when I call people and they have a very annoying ringback tone. I also get annoyed when I call someone for the first time and they don't include there name in their voicemail message. It bugs me because I never know if I have the right phone number, or if I am leaving a voicemail with a random stranger. I have to admit that I am guilty of having a random ringback tone, and do get embarrased when someone important calls. I know I should fix it but I don't know how to make it go back to a normal ringtone now :o(

As for call waiting, I think this issue depends on the circumstances. For example, if I was just shooting the breeze with my mom and someone very important called on the other line, then I would put her on hold. In contrast, if I was on the phone with someone very important, and someone else very important called, I would think it would be rude to click over so I would just call the other person back. Luckily, not too many important people are in contact with me so I haven't had any major issues with call waiting :o) I do get frustrated when I am put on hold for a long time though, so I try to be respectful by not doing that to people.


Cherry said...

I like how you pointed out the incident when you were at Target and overheard a conversation about someone sleeping with someone else. I can imagine how uncomfortable that would make me feel and how I might start judging the indivual based on what I heard. You would think that this conversation would take place in a confidential place.

What would also bother me would be if my kids were around and overheard this conversation. I guess all you can do is walk away, but it is frustrating when you are in a public place and feel like you need to remove yourself from a certain area designated for everyone.

I also agree with you that it depends on who you are talking to and when you would decide to place someone on hold.

me010400 said...

I too have been in several situations like you mentioned. I dont like when people are really loud on their cell phones. Its almost like they are broadcasting their personal like on pupose for the whole world to hear. I think at times I too have felt a little uncomfortable with others phone converstions, its not like I am trying to be nosy but when people are so loud its inevitable not to listen. You would think that if it was that personal of a conversation then that person would have the decency to take the call in private.

TheBloggingProf said...

Hi Steph-annie! Where else have you overhead conversations that you felt were out of place? If you have experienced this elsewhere, where is the most shocking or annoying place this has happened? :)