Friday, November 7, 2008

chapter 6 - post 2

In my opinion, the pattern that would be the most difficult to change would be rigid complementary. The reason why this patter would be so difficult to change is because both parties have to agree upon changing. If one person chooses to stop being the dominant one, and the other person doesn't agree to step up and fill that role then there may be issues. I also think that this pattern would be the most damaging to a relationship. I know that I personally would get tired of being in control all the time. On the other hand, there are certain areas where I would like to have total control. I would like my partner to share the "control" roll with me so I wouldn't get bored in my position. The pattern that is most damaging to a persons self esteem would be competitive symmetry. I deal with this pattern everyday. At first the pattern motivates me, but if I don't end up on top of the situation, then I feel like a failure. Since it is impossible to be the best at everything, I tend to get very discouraged. After a while of never ending up on top, it starts to kill your self esteem.

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