Saturday, October 4, 2008

post 3 - chapter 3 and 4

Something I found very ineteresting in chapter three was the information about listening. I usually believe that I am a good listen, but after reading the chapter, I now realize that I do get bored or distracted pretty easily. Since I have so much going on, I typically spend lectures thinking about what I have to do, rather than listening to the teacher. I think the idea about making goals for yourself is a great idea. I actually plan on figuring out a list of what I want to get out of each lecture. That way I would be much more likely to listen, in hopes of accomplishing my goal. The other idea that I want to try out is the concept of keeping a positive attitude. Lectures aren't really that bad, but for some reason I always go into my classes thinking that they will be the most boring things ever. I spend most of my time looking at the clock and wishing it was over, but after it is, I realize that it wasn't that horrible. If I go in with a positive attitude then I may actually enjoy the process much more. Overall I found all these concepts very interesting and I can't wait to test them out for myself!

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