Wednesday, December 10, 2008

chapter 13 - post 3

I personally had a very hard time with the ideas in chapter 9 and ten. I don't know why, but I had a really hard time grasping the concepts of public communication. I feel like the words used to describle the concepts were really difficult to understand. To me it was almost like I was memorizing definitions rather than understanding the concepts. I also had the same problem while covering communication and the Mass Media. I thought that I would really enjoy learning about that area, but the terminology used in the book, really made it difficult for me to fully understand the concepts. It may have just been that way for me, but personally I like things explained in a way that I can relate to them. For each of the chapters I listend above, I feel like I retained the information only long enough to remember it on an exam, but will have a hard time being able to remeber it in the future.

chapter 13 - post 2

I thought that many concept in the book were interesting. I really enjoyed learning more about interpersonal communication. I think it is great to learn how to manage realationships with in your lifetime. I also really loved learning about listening, as well as non-verbal communication. I think it is so interesting that two people can say that same words, but their body language has the abilty to totally change the meaning of the message. I really have become much more aware of my own body language after taking this course. I never realized that I may unintentionally be sending out the wrong message to my friends and family! I hope to learn more information about thjis area and improve future realationships :o)

chapter 13 - post 1

The type of research method that I find most interesting is Performance Research. I feel like most people are able to identify concepts displayed in a performance much easier than if they were to listen to a lecture instead. For example, if I was to give a speech about the budget cuts in schools, it would not send out the same message as a performance. Through a performance you see examples of how the main point applies in life, and it helps the audience grasp the ideas rather than being forced to retain knowledge. If I was to study deception, I would use Ethnography as my method. I think that deception is only observable in it's natural setting. In order to fully observe the situation, the researcher would have to experience deception or be deceitful in a natural setting. My research question would be, "How does deception effect friendships".

Saturday, November 22, 2008

chapter 11 - post 3

I do agree with McLuhan in that television is a cool medium. T.V. seems to provide enough of an image to paint a picture. Since television is not a direct interaction with the person, there are key things that are left out of the encounter. When people are face to face, there are qualities that are more noticable than if you were to watch them on T.V. This leaves room for personal interpretation. This is where things get tricky. Since everyone interprets things differntly, many different opinions can be formed. Logic plays a key role because if a person knows how to properly fill in those blanks to their advantage, then they can be viewed in a postive light. I never realized how tricky T.V. actually is!

Friday, November 21, 2008

chapter 11 - post 2

The concept that I found to be very interesting in this chapter was the idea of selective listening of the reciever. I never really thought about it, but it is true that we all interpret the same information differently. It made me curious about whether different cultures gather different information from the sender also. It would be interesting to do a study where people from different cultures each watched the same commercial, and then explained what they got out of it. That sort of information would greatly benefit advertisement agencies. Many companies spend millions of dollars to sell their product, but it the reciever of the information is not able to interpret the information the way that the company had intended, then it's a huge waste of money.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

chapter 11 - post 1

I personally have not had friendship that was formed exclusively in cyber space, but I have had many friendship that have developed because if the internet. Recently a friend of mine from middle school found me on facebook. We hadn't been in contact for over 10 years, and in the mean time, our lives had completely changed. The internet really made it easy for us to get to know each other better. The best and worst thing about the internet is that people usually discard much more personal information. I learned so much more about my friend in a very short amount of time. While chatting online, I feel like people are able to create an alter ego. They have time to think about what they want to say before they say it, and are able to delete or change words around however they like. For me, it is very difficult to talk face to face about personal issues, but online, I don't have the fear of a reaction. I mean, if worst comes to worst I can always log out. For the first month that my friend and I were reunited, it was great. We were learning so much about each other and finally set up a time to meet in person. When we finally met up, it was very awkward. The conversation did not flow as easily as it did online, and the topics that we discussed were very general. Body language was also an issue. It was very awkward to make eye contact. It's funny, because I had learned so much about my friend during the previous month, but it was as if I was meeting a stranger for the first time. The tone of a persons voice gives different meanings to what they say, so while something may be a joke online to one person, it is a serious matter to the other. I personally have no formed a cyber relationship for this reason. In my opinion, you aren't able to fully know a person until you spend time this them in real life. You may be able to gather a great amount of information about who they are trying to be, but until you spend a large amount of time with them, and are able to form your own opinion of who they are, you don't know them very well.

Friday, November 14, 2008

chapter 8 - post 3

I really enjoyed all of the information about interviewing in this chapter! I feel like it is a topic that is never really covered in school and should be! I have learned most of the information over the years, but it was nice to hear exactly what to do. I personally would love to take a class that teaches how to be better at interviewing. It was also nice to see the list of typical interview questions. A list like the one provided would be very useful while preping for an interview. In interviews, I am often thrown off by the questions, and end up answering with ridiculous answers. It's frustrating because by being thrown off, I am not able to "sell" myself to the best of my ability. I usually walk out of the interview asking "why didn't I mention...". Many of my skills and qualifications are not expressed because of my nerves! This chapter really gave me a heads up on how to relax a little more. I plan on keeping this book and looking over this chapter before my next interview!