Wednesday, December 10, 2008

chapter 13 - post 2

I thought that many concept in the book were interesting. I really enjoyed learning more about interpersonal communication. I think it is great to learn how to manage realationships with in your lifetime. I also really loved learning about listening, as well as non-verbal communication. I think it is so interesting that two people can say that same words, but their body language has the abilty to totally change the meaning of the message. I really have become much more aware of my own body language after taking this course. I never realized that I may unintentionally be sending out the wrong message to my friends and family! I hope to learn more information about thjis area and improve future realationships :o)

1 comment:

Sara said...

I definitely agree with you about the non verbal communication. It is so interesting how body language can completely change the meaning or interpretation of what we are saying. I try to be more aware of my body language, however, I still think that people tend to view me as "stand-offish" even though I do mean to. I think that it is important that everyone is aware of the messages that they are sending with their bodies not just their words. Body language is such a strong communication skill and so often misused or misunderstood. Therefore, it is great that this class touched on this topic.