Friday, August 29, 2008

Getting to know me :o)

Hi everyone!

I apologize for the delay in this post! I had complications with blackboard and since this is my first online course, I had no idea what I was doing! Now that everything is sorted out, I look forward to this new experience and learning more about each of you :o)

I guess I should begin by telling you a little about myself. I was born and raised in Santa Clara and have lived in the area my whole life. I have been dancing since the age of two, and currently am a Dance major, as well as a Comm Studies major. To me, these two areas are directly related. My whole life I have felt very comfortable with communication through movement, but have always struggled with communication through vocalization. I think it is so interesting that people can hear or see the same thing, but have totally different views on what was be communicated. Through this class, I hope to improve my communication abilities and gain a greater sense of confidence in the area. Since I interact with people from all different backgrounds everyday, I would like to be able to communicate with everyone more effectively.

I work as a dance teacher at a studio in Palo Alto and as a songleading isntructor and judge for an amazing company called the United Spirit Association (USA). I really would love to be able to communicate with my students in the most effective way possible, and everyday I strive to learn how to do so. This semester I am taking 25 units and am already feeling the stress :o) I am a meber of our schools advanced modern dance performance company named UDT, so my free time is also spent at rehearsal.

Since there are not enough hours in the day for me to be on campus, and I am usually too exhausted to do much of anything, I spend most of my downtime in bed on my laptop. I figured this course would be a great opportunity to get a little extra work done since I am usually wasting my time online doing nothing :o) My goals for this course are to be ontime with all the rest of my postings, finish all of the required assignments, and to learn something that will help improve my life.

My experince with the Comm Studies department at SJSU has been wonderful so far! Last year was my first year at San Jose State, so I haven't had the opportunity to take many Comm classes. The courses that I have taken so far have been Comm 101, Comm 100w, Comm 41 and Performance Studies. Besides this course, I am also taking Comm 161 which sounds very interesting to me! I apologize again for the delay in this post and look forward to reading all of your blogs! Good luck this semster!

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